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Pandemic Response Planning

15 Jun 2020

The director of emergency management, along with members of the municipality’s emergency management agency should conduct a thorough hazard and risk analysis to determine the effect of a pandemic event on municipal service delivery and other key sectors and critical services throughout the community. [...] Determine the roles and responsibilities for the plan’s development: of the municipal council; of the Director of Emergency Management; of the Emergency Management Agency; of the regional health authority; and of the planning group. [...] Inform the public on the pandemic’s evolution, on the response itself, and on related issues through: communications to the public; providing information to the media; and posting updates electronically (i.e., on your municipal website). [...] As part of the recovery process, the municipality should also review their pandemic specific response plan to determine the effectiveness of the municipality’s response, and adjust the pandemic specific response plan as required. [...] Draw up a report on the pandemic assessing the results of the municipal response, and communicate those results to the community.
health mitigation economics food economy public health emergency management science and technology hygiene business management labour transport working conditions epidemic community human activities emergency emergency plans diseases and conditions transport incident emergency plan hand washing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
Published in
Alberta, ED, CA

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