cover image: Prioritizing human safety and multispecies connectivity across a regional road network


Prioritizing human safety and multispecies connectivity across a regional road network

21 Nov 2020

are reported by motorists involved in AVCs and include Develop overall Created a set of mitigation priority information on the wildlife species involved and the colli- prioritization indices (MPI) that consider a sion location estimated to the nearest km, while ENFOR indices combination of high AVC risk and data are reported by an officer and include GPS coordinates connectivity values to identify. [...] We created a connectivity index from each connectivity Because the distributions of values for AVC indices were model output (i.e., raster map of connectivity value) by calcu- highly skewed, with the vast majority of road sections lating the mean value of cells overlapping each road section having low values and only a handful of road sections (Table S2, Figure S1). [...] along the road network, tested for alignment between The scenarios with equal emphasis on connectivity and AVC and connectivity indices, and presented multi- AVCs resulted in prioritization of road sections in the purpose road mitigation prioritization results based on a western portion of the study area, where large river sys- series of scenarios representing different management tems cross the r. [...] 4.1 | Cross-agency planning early in road planning process 4 | DISCUSSION Transportation departments are mandated to ensure the Road mitigation decisions are typically made at the dis- safe movement of people and goods, and therefore focus cretion of jurisdictional transportation agencies, which on motorist safety aspects of road and wildlife interac- are mandated to address motorist safety. [...] Other jurisdictions have invested in cent to and across roads; however, the costs of acquiring road mitigation to facilitate animal movement across such data for multiple species at the operational scales of roads, in some cases designing mitigation measures for the agencies involved (i.e., at fine spatial resolution for the benefit of individual species.
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