cover image: file:///cpha-fs1/shared/COVID19/Comms/The%20Daily/The%20Daily%20CPhA's%20COVID-19%20Update%20for%20April%2017



17 Apr 2020

While CPhA supplied a written statement in response to the request from the media outlet, the reference published in the article was not reflective of CPhA’s position or the statement we provided. [...] The brief survey asks about key issues and experiences on the front lines of the pandemic with the aim of better understanding the challenges they face as they care for patients and informing our efforts to provide tools and resources and advocate for government protections and supports. [...] New resource available: Staffing and Business Considerations if a Pharmacy Team Member Becomes Ill CPhA and the Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada have developed a list of key considerations for pharmacy managers/owners to help them prepare for next steps if a pharmacy staff member is exposed to or infected with COVID-19. [...] “Some provinces have already taken the additional step in expanding scope of practice to ensure continuity of care by relaxing restrictions on pharmacists for renewing prescriptions.” Health Canada temporarily approves use of technical-grade ethanol in hand sanitizer products Health Canada is temporarily approving the use of technical-grade ethanol for the production of hand sanitizer. [...] The new advice was issued following a call with a national police lead and other pharmacy organizations on how the police can engage with and support pharmacy staff on the front line.
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