cover image: Appendix


11 Jul 2024

The subsequent periods covered by the database, the inclu- groups of columns summarize the availabil- sion of additional intangibles lowers esti- ity of data on intangibles, labour produc- mates of TFP growth. [...] the boundary extension on the productiv- This estimate of the impact of the bound- ity slowdown is left to future work. [...] ary expansion likely also applies to coun- The impact of the capitalization of addi- tries whose trajectory for investment in tional intangibles on frontier TFP growth market sector intangibles is broadly like the in the long run may or may not be in line pattern in the United States. [...] For the interpretation of recent TFP US productivity slowdown may be slightly growth and its slowdown after the onset more moderate using the expanded bound- of the GFC, however, we are comfortable ary (line 3). [...] tries included in the European aggregate Given the small size of the effect for the used in text Table 3.


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