cover image: Whitemud Crossing Branch - 145 Whitemud Crossing Shopping Centre, 4211 - 106 St


Whitemud Crossing Branch - 145 Whitemud Crossing Shopping Centre, 4211 - 106 St

4 Jul 2024

This event is unregistered and has a limit of event is unregistered and has a limit of 30 participants. [...] A Percy Jackson Party Lego Lands: Alien Planets Edition Explore and celebrate the mythical world of Percy Jackson with Get inspired by stories, rhymes, and songs, then create a landscape fantastic games and activities! This event is unregistered and has a on an alien planet using LEGO! This event is unregistered and has a limit of 30 participants. [...] This event is unregistered and has a limit of 30 and make your very own journal to mess up and wreck! This event is participants. [...] This event is This event is unregistered and has a limit of 30 participants. [...] Join us for a cosmic storytime and interstellar dance party and showcase your out-of- this world moves! This event is unregistered and has a limit of 30 participants.
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