cover image: Annual Report 2023-24 FINAL


Annual Report 2023-24 FINAL

24 Sep 2024

We know Zabjek, this book tells the stories of the that the impacts of the COVID-19 women who fought for safe places and pandemic continue to place increasing supports for survivors of domestic strain on the domestic and gender- violence across the province, women based violence sector, and we continue whose stories deserve to be told. [...] We are experience of navigating the legal proud to have been a part of this system in cases of domestic violence organization and its mission, and we will and abuse, sharing what these continue to support ACWS and the vital survivors wish judges, lawyers, and the work our staff and members do. [...] We letters to elected MLAs advocating about encouraged our members and their staff, 4 the significant need for increased and volunteers, and communities to stable funding to shelters and the need thoughtfully participate in the Government to front load the $10M committed by the of Alberta’s Gender-based Violence UCP. [...] With these changes in mind, Jan’s plan to exit the organization led recruitment that ensures the continuing the committee to review all the policies capacity of the board and reflects our and procedures related to the executive commitment to the principles of EDI is director’s position including a review of top of mind as we continue to search for the position description with an EDI new leaders. [...] The amount of change that the A transition plan was developed to organization is facing in the near future guide the recruitment of the new has the potential to feel overwhelming.



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