cover image: SUNSHINE COAST’S


23 May 2024

Most of the subject areas included in Vital Signs 2014 and the 2019 The goal of a Vital Signs report is to highlight important issues and Vital Brief have been updated in this report to give the community build community capacity by giving the public and decision makers a way to gauge the progress we’ve made over the years. [...] It’s also our first report to the community since the all the areas we include and cannot include every part of the wider COVID-19 pandemic and, in several ways, the first look at how the picture of life on the Sunshine Coast. [...] The BC average is 5.4% and average of 1.4% and almost triple the by the District of Sechelt found the SCRD the national average is 4.4%.national average of 1.0%. [...] The provincial government supported The Society’s 2023/24 season was the first Sunshine Coast arts and culture where the number of tickets being offered organizations with $120,500 in Community was the same as the pre-pandemic seasons. [...] The Celebration of Authors, Books and as a partnership with the shíshálh syíyaya Days Community (CABC) is a joint initiative of Nation and runs under the guidance of the Festival of the Written Arts and School Jessica Silvey, an Indigenous faculty syíyaya Days, a multi-day event starting on District 46.

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