cover image: The State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada: 2024


The State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada: 2024

22 Aug 2024

businesses, majority-owned by women This report provides an update on the fluctuated from 17.7% in the first quarter, state of women’s entrepreneurship in 19.1% in the second quarter, 17.8% in Canada according to the most recent the third quarter and 19.1% in the fourth available research and data. [...] diverse women entrepreneurs, the inclusive > The latest Survey on Financing and innovation ecosystem, the evolving Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises landscape of women’s entrepreneurship showed an increasing proportion of SMEs in Canada and recommendations on the are majority-owned by women (from 15.6% societal (macro), organizational (meso) in 2017 to 16.8% in 2020). [...] 18 Conclusions and > Continue to apply a gender and diversity Recommendations lens to promote enabling conditions in the innovation ecosystem to support women Societal level entrepreneurs, such as investments in infrastructure, tax policies and the > Continue to improve the collection of transition to net-zero. [...] Additionally, the representation by the population size of each province and of majority women-owned SMEs within the major industries and resources that are the professional, scientific and technical available to women entrepreneurs. [...] In the first SMEs were in the agriculture, forestry, two years after the birth of an SME, women- fishing and hunting and mining and oil and and men-owned SMEs are equally likely to gas extraction sector, compared to 2.9% remain in operation; however, the difference in 2018.


Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub

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