A vision that articulates the link between watershed security and the socio- economic benefits to local community development (such as employment in the watershed sector, cost savings through proactive climate adaptation and disaster mitigation, and the urgent and necessary transition from sunsetting industries) will help deliver a unifying strategy that minimises division. [...] Focus on the Fund: While government builds a clear timeline and the necessary internal capacity to execute the Watershed Security Strategy, ongoing attention and further investment will be needed in order to increase Strategy’s impact and strengthen community’s and Indigenous ability to effectively partner and support the implementation of its associated priorities. [...] The success of the Watershed Security Strategy and Fund will depend on accountable and timely implementation, building capacity both inside government and resources for communities to be effective partners, and deploying new tools and innovative solutions that significantly change the current approach and are consistent with the principles and direction set out in this submission. [...] The appointed office would have the capacity and expertise to respond rapidly to urgent watershed issues, coordinate with and provide direction to various partners and stakeholders, leverage internal and external expertise and lead investigations and reviews, all while raising the profile and importance of watershed security and ensuring that the public is kept informed and engaged. [...] 9 APPENDIX B: Function and Characteristics of a Robust Strategy The most important role of a prospective strategy is to help government organize itself, secure internal priorities and resources, and drive a cohesive cross-ministerial and -government approach to watershed security that can deliver on the ground.
- Pages
- 10
- Published in
- Canada
Table of Contents
- Actions that start now Reforms to begin when the strategy is released Reforms that will be underway within 1-2 years of the strategys release 1
- Water Sustainability Act 1
- 1. A vision and direction 2
- 2. Clear timelines outcomes and implementation plan 3
- 3. Accountability mechanisms 3
- 4. Clarity on integration 3
- 5. Focus on the Fund 3
- Water Sustainability Act 5
- 1. Accelerate Water Sustainability Act implementation including core policy regulations 5
- Water Sustainability Act 5
- 2. Resource and implement a coherent and integrated provincial planning regime for land 5
- 3. Fulfill established drinking water source protection recommendations from the Auditor 5
- General 2019 and Hullcar Aquifer Review 2017 including 5
- Environmental Management Act 5
- 4. Build on Watershed Security Fund immediately with further reinvestment including in 6
- 5. Address gaps in drought response and groundwater protection and existing climate and 6
- Forest Landscape Planning 6
- Reforms to begin when the strategy is released Reforms that will be underway within 1-2 years of the Strategys release 6
- 1. Focus on a Watershed Governance Framework. 7
- 3. Kick-start the next wave of necessary complementary policy and regulatory components through a focus on a wetlands and an Environmental Flows regulation 7
- Water Sustainability Act 8
- Drive implementation and oversee the Watershed Security Strategy by offering a novel integrated approach based on credible evidence-based science 9
- Identify and act on the Governments central roles and responsibilities and finding areas where partnership and collaboration are needed 9
- Coordinate government action and special investigations while being responsive to public complaints and concerns. 9
- Coordinate across levels of government Indigenous federal local by breaking down silos and mitigating potential conflict between watershed management the Provincial housing strategy and industry. 9
- Modeled on Provincial 9
- Health Officer credible science evidence based 9
- Rapid response where the 9
- Empowered to break down 9
- Accountable for 9
- Authority for emergency 9
- Drive action on key watershed security issues and address conflicts communities are facing. 10
- Deliver on promises by assisting government coordination and alignment across cross- ministries. 10
- Build the profile of water and watershed health internal and external to government. 10
- Accelerate policy and law development and deployment of key tools in line with DRIPA to advance co-governance and reconciliation. 10
- Leverage Resources 10
- Provide clarity around roles and responsibilities and create new mechanisms for oversight and accountability to ensure promises are delivered. 10
- To do this the strategy needs to 10