In contrast, the float in the Benguela basin showed important changes of temperature as the float was entrained in the circulation between cyclones and anticyclones. [...] Plankton and marine snow Time series of the community structure of plankton and marine snow community composition showed distinct patterns in the three basins:- Among plankton, Copepoda, Trichodesmium and Rhizaria were dominant in The three main plankton categories the epipelagic layers respectively in the Benguela, Angola and Equator800 500 700 140Equator Equator Equator Equator 700 Angola Angola. [...] Time series in the 0- epipelagic layers respectively in the Benguela, Angola and Equator500 300 400 80 400 100m layer showed distinct patterns in - Plankton contribution to total count was low in the mesopelagic apart in the200 300 60300 the three basins: 200 200 40 Benguela basin where mesoscale eddies impacted the biological variability.100 100 20 Time series of Plankton and Marine Snow communit. [...] 60 40 2500 2500 3000 4000 20 Time series of Marine Snow showed distinct 3500 02000 2000 2500 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 3000 patterns in the three basins: 2000 Time series of Plankton and Marine Snow along the Equator (500-1000m)1001500 1500 2500 - Higher concentrations and strong peaks of all 801500 20001000 1000 601500 morphotypes of marine snow in the Angola 1000 401000500 500 500 20. [...] doi:10.1038/s41467-021-22994-4 Copepoda (ind/m3), 500-1000m Copepoda (ind/m3), 0-100m Small particle (ind/m3), 500-1000m Sphere (ind/m3), 0-100m Trichodesmium (ind/m3), 0-100m Latitude Agg.
- Pages
- 1
- Published in
- Canada
Table of Contents
- Lars Stemmann Alexandre Accardo Joelle Habib Dodji Yawouvi Soviadan Laetitia Drago Myriam Beck Alberto Baudena Remi Laxenaire Sabrina Speich Rainer Kiko 1
- Contact author Email 1
- 1-Sorbonne University France LOV 2-CNES - Centre national détudes spatiales LACy and LMD 3-Ecole Normale Supérieure France LMD 4-GEOMAR - Germany 1
- Scope 1
- Methods 1
- Planktonic Habitat 1
- Plankton and marine snow community composition 1
- Bibliography 1
- The floats deployed at the Atlantic equator and showed weak horizontal and temporal gradients in temperature. In the Angola 1
- The three main plankton categories were Trichodesmium Copepoda 1
- - Strong peaks of Trichodesmium at the Equator and in the Angola Basin 1
- Time series in the 500-1000m layer showed less distinct patterns in the three basins and lower concentrations than in the upper layer. 1
- Time series of Marine Snow showed distinct patterns in the three basins - Higher concentrations and strong peaks of all morphotypes of marine snow in the Angola 1
- Equator or Benguela basin at surface and in the mesopelagic 1
- - Higher concentrations of all types of marine snow in the equatorial mesopelagic relative to the other sites. 1
- - Mesopelagic peaks of marine snow reflected surface intermittent production events. 1
- - Among marine snow Elongated Spheres and Flakes were dominant in the epipelagic layers respectively in the Benguela Angola and Equator 1
- - Plankton contribution to total count was low in the mesopelagic apart in the Benguela basin where mesoscale eddies impacted the biological variability. 1
- Equator Angola Benguela 1