cover image: Social Planning Council of Winnipeg 2023-2024 Annual Report

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg 2023-2024 Annual Report

19 Sep 2024

The original consultant To all the members of SPCW, especially you who who worked through the process in April is no longer have joined us for this AGM, thank you for attending available to support this step, and so the Board has and contributing to our vision of a sustainable commun- engaged a second consultant, with the expectation ity that is caring, just, and equitable. [...] Impressed with the work the group was doing, are currently researching approaches to integrating the amount of funding we were able to receive covered Indigenous histories and perspectives in language much of the 2023 event but also granted us additional training for newcomers to Manitoba, and as part of funds to use into the 2024 fiscal year. [...] Campaign Adrianne received invitation to join two subcom- mittees under the City of Winnipeg’s Human Rights We have continued to increase the opportunities for Committee of Council - the Equity and Diversity civic engagement and fighting anti-racism through our subcommittee, and the Accessibility and Inclusion Got Citizenship? Go Vote! Campaign and through our subcommittee. [...] of standardized disaggregated data across all divisions, the need for students to see themselves represented in · Delivery of “Newcomers and Inclusion” pres- the staff and administration at their schools and within entation to the Winnipeg Transit Community their division, and the need to create a system that Safety team as part of their training on January allows internationally trained educators. [...] project consultations (Story Catcher) to gather opin- June 2023 ions of the newcomer and ethnocultural youth regard- The Youth Council partnered with the Newcomer Sport ing safety when interacting with the Police and the Academy and participated in the ParticipACTION Justice system.

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