We continually seek ways to reflect and acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past and to consider how we can collectively move forward in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration. [...] This qualitative and quantitative exercise enabled us to understand the opportunities present on main streets across Canadian cities and neighbourhoods, and to use this analysis to anticipate the scale of the opportunity for housing creation. [...] Main Street Analysis and Selection Criteria For the purpose of this Lab, housing intensification is explored through the selection and evaluation of four sample main street segments and four types of opportunity sites to scale housing solutions. [...] of proposed development, Amend zoning by-laws and corresponding generating risk residential and mixed-use performance standards to permit larger building envelopes to increase the sellable floor area of residential development and improve the financial feasibility of residential and mixed-use multiplex and apartment development on and surrounding Main Street. [...] Table 16: Barriers to Solutions 79 7.2 Findings and Focused Areas of Opportunity CUI’s work to investigate the opportunities for housing on main streets involved the use of both quantitative and qualitative research methods to ascertain the scale of the opportunity, the presence or lack thereof main street-specific housing policies and examples, and to develop a better understanding of the real an.
- Pages
- 102
- Published in
- Canada