Is urine being released with the pressure of a sneeze, cough or laugh? Can the person communicate the need to go to the toilet? Does the person understand the body’s message that it is time to go to the toilet? Can the person find the bathroom? Are other objects being mistaken for a toilet, such as a garbage can? Does the person’s confusion increase at night, requiring an adaptation to the environ. [...] Check the temperature of the room and water: Is the room too cold? Is the water too hot or too cold? Warm towels in the dryer so the person feels cozy after the bath. [...] Know the preferences of the person and modify the bathing experience to best meet their needs. [...] Preparing the bath Pour the soapy water into the plastic bag and work the solution into the towels and washcloths until they are uniformly damp but not soggy. [...] Bathing the person Expose the person’s feet and lower legs and immediately cover the area with the large warm, moist towel.
- Pages
- 16
- Published in
- Canada