cover image: Preparing adult learners for the new Canadian Adult Education Credential

Preparing adult learners for the new Canadian Adult Education Credential

15 Oct 2024

They need to read and understand the information presented on screen, navigate the computer interface to select answers and move them to the correct locations depending on the question, know how to change their responses, and recognize when they have completed the question. [...] • Introduce the tools thoughtfully and gradually, giving learners time to iron out the challenges and idiosyncrasies of the digital tools in the tests. [...] Half the questions in the reading test are focused on the content and context of the text. [...] Identify the cognitive complexity of test questions based on the number of tasks, the complexity of the source information, the number of sources and the CAEC cognitive complexity framework. [...] Reading is as important in the writing section as writing, and the text to read is more difficult than the texts in the reading section.


Christine Pinsent-Johnson

Mentioned Organizations

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