cover image: A LIVING CAPITAL - Investing in Downtown Ottawa for a Dynamic Future

A LIVING CAPITAL - Investing in Downtown Ottawa for a Dynamic Future

21 May 2024

Make downtown robust Employment growth and economic diversification • Position downtown nationally and internationally Apply a national and international lens to the Actions to elevate the perception and experience of attractiveness and place-identity and to build momentum and economic activity. [...] 34 Study area For the purpose of this Plan, Downtown Ottawa (Figure 3) is defined by the boundaries of the Rideau River to the east, the Ottawa River to the north, the Queensway to the south and the Line 2 LRT line to the west. [...] While the Federal government will continue to maintain a significant presence in the Downtown, the disposing of surplus federal buildings represents one of the greatest opportunities to reshape the role and composition of the Downtown and diversify uses, particularly in the area north of Gloucester Street. [...] Downtown Vibrancy mitigation, and data design (CPTED) Office to champion to track and link approaches  Support the addition and harmonize businesses with of services and initiatives opportunities amenities through revisions to the zoning Engage the creative Increase the presence bylaw, identification sectors and urban of post-secondary of service gaps, and design community institutions including o. [...] Apply a national Development Downtown and international lens to the Organizations Community Actions to elevate the perception and experience of attractiveness and place-identity and to build momentum and economic activity.


Canadian Urban Institute & Ottawa Board of Trade

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