cover image: CIGI Papers No. 283 — September 2023 - Missing Persons The Case of National

CIGI Papers No. 283 — September 2023 - Missing Persons The Case of National

30 Sep 2024

According to the Organisation for Economic However, public concern about AI systems is Co-operation and Development (OECD), such on the rise.3 AI systems are often designed and strategies articulate how the government sees the deployed in an opaque manner that many users role of AI in the country and its contribution to cannot see. [...] Did the government make efforts to ensure a broad cross-section of people Next, the authors delineated AI strategies as a knew about and could comment on the statement of the country’s vision for AI in the strategy? economy (and often in the polity). [...] Individuals could, however, or guidance documents.25 All four nations that review the 2016 strategy to provide comments published additional documents after the release on the 2019 revision or the 2019 revision to of the national strategy consulted the public in provide comments on the 2023 update (Office some form in advance of these updates (although of Science and Technology Policy 2022). [...] In the cases of Germany32 which is still accessible as of August 2023.34 Taken and Türkiye (Digital Transformation Office of the in sum, while most governments informed and Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye and the some consulted some of their constituents, the Ministry of Industry and Technology 2021), the authors concluded that no country “collaborated” government directed the consultation m. [...] governments could acknowledge and incorporate Yet their strategies to encourage AI are unlikely comments received in past consultations in to build and sustain that trust because policy future updates (Roy and Sarkar 2020; Secretariat makers have not sought to inform, consult, involve of Government and Digital Transformation of and collaborate with many of the same people the Presidency of the Cou.

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