cover image: First Nations Not Affiliated to an FNCFS Agency

First Nations Not Affiliated to an FNCFS Agency

21 Jun 2024

SUMMARY In November 2021, at the request of the First There are 172 First Nations not affiliated to a Nations Child and Family Caring Society (Caring First Nations child and family services (FNCFS) Society), with the support of the Assembly of agency that typically receive protection services First Nations (AFN), IFSD was contracted to un- from their respective province/territory. [...] data gathered for this project was intended to define a range of approaches and costs for the Implementing reforms to the FNCFS Program delivery of CFS in First Nations not affiliated to for First Nations not affiliated to an FNCFS an FNCFS agency. [...] However, it took is being allocated to for these activities and to significantly more time than planned to work whom? What are the relationships of First with First Nations to gather data, and to access Nations with funders and other service provid- data from the Government of Canada. [...] Each of the At the outset of the project, IFSD sought the profiles highlight a lesson and considerations collaboration of 10 First Nations not affiliated to for future policy, funding, and operational con- an FNCFS agency to participate in case studies. [...] The gathering and analysis Annually, the director of health and social of the information is integral to First Na- services in First Nation D shares a report.

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