It can be a Never Too Young | Emotional Wellbeing 3 constant in your life, and cause you to lose interest in the people, places, and things you once enjoyed.6 It is important to be able to tell the difference between normal, understandable bouts of sadness, and more debilitating, overwhelming depression. [...] It is most commonly spread to the liver, bones, brain, or lungs.7 It is estimated that about 10% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have an initial diagnosis of mBC.7 About 30% of women who are diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer will go on to develop metastatic breast cancer.8 If the cancer is recurring, you may feel defeated and may have questions. [...] It can be going for a walk, talking with a friend, writing in your journal, or joining a support group.1 0 Additionally, your doctors and nurses can refer you to a mental health professional to help you work through your emotions surrounding the illness. [...] If you want your parents to be included in your medical treatment decisions and for staff at your hospital or cancer care centre to keep them informed, it is important to put this in writing. [...] Both can be powerful and disruptive in your intimate life, and it is important to be aware of the issues they will raise and ways to deal with them.