The objective of the event was to address the future of land warfare and its implications for the Ca- nadian Army. [...] Topics covered during the event included the lessons learned from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Canada’s current capabilities, the impact of technological evolution on the modern battlefield, and how to address some of the deficiencies that the Canadian Army currently faces. [...] This report outlines several strategies which could improve the readiness of the Canadian Army for land warfare: reverse engineer the needs of the army to reform procurement procedures, implement machine learning to enable more efficiency, and provide consistent and clear messaging from the CAF to Ottawa to ensure that the appropriate funding is made available to support required capabilities. [...] For future discourse, the report proposes three key questions: 1) What is the sustainability of the CAF’s capabilities required to affect the land domain during longer-dura- tion conflicts? 2) How does the Army define Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) and IAMD Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) and does their definition fit within the overall strategic vision of the CAF and other. [...] The RCA, alongside the rest of the Canadian The creation of this new system must take place Army, needs to be able to train and equip its simultaneously in numerous major and minor units to be interoperable from the detachment to capital projects while also accounting for the unit level.