(3) Continuing the the detection of toxic benthic Harmful Algal Bloom process of disseminating information and efforts to (HAB) species that can threaten tropical reef increase public awareness regarding the potential fisheries, and to record images of the fishery catches dangers of HAB and CFP environmental disasters4. [...] SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES I The scope of activities cover : FishPhytO and Development of a Disaster Mitigation Model for Ciguatera Fish 1. [...] Development of a Disaster Mitigation Model Poisoning (CFP) II VI and Harmful Algae for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) and Bloom (HAB) Biophysical and Workshop chemical of and Training marine coastal Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) for Capacity environment (Fish building FishPhytO GIS, Hydrocolor, 2. [...] 2023/2024-2025/2026 (3 Years) : Research and is located in Northern Coastal of Lombok and consists of three Innovation for Advanced Indonesia RIIM) Development small islands : Gili Ayer, Gili Meno, and Gili Trawangan. [...] 2023/2024 (1 Year) : Utilization of Oceanographic ST-5 St-9 St-2 St-8 Satellite and Landsat Data for Monitoring Eutrophication and Fisheries Resources Abundance Data analysis of Aqua MODIS, SeaWiFs satellite imagery of Sea Surface Temperature (SST ) and Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a (SSC), and Landsat/Sentinel Data OBSERVATION RESULT-Biophysical-chemical-Hydrocolor WATER QUALITY DATA OF GILI MATRA MAR.
- Pages
- 13
- Published in
- Canada