Consider including these three objectives in the definition: (i) ensuring Ontario households can benefit from the cost savings associated with clean energy technologies, (ii) ensuring the build out of the electricity system protects the clean competitiveness of industries, and (iii) ensuring the build out of the electricity system is in line with the achievement of a net-zero economy by 2050. [...] Recommendation 3: Provide clear direction to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) in the IERP to initiate a robust planning process to integrate the planning of the province’s natural gas and electricity systems, providing sucient time for the engagement and work required to get the details right. [...] The Ontario government has highlighted the importance of achieving its 2030 emissions target and the need to further reduce province-wide emissions in its newly released energy vision Ontario’s Aordable Energy Future: The Pressing Case for More Power.6Given the integrated energy plan is intended to provide direction for the buildout of clean energy out to 2050, the government should take the oppor. [...] Overarching Question What policy options and actions should the government consider in the integrated energy resource plan to achieve Ontario’s vision for meeting growing energy needs, keeping energy aordable and reliable, ensuring customer choice and positioning us to be an energy superpower? The government’s energy vision outlines the need to lay the “building blocks for future success” to achie. [...] Hydro similarly oers up to $137,000 to support creating an EV Ready plan for the building, installing the electrical infrastructure to implement the plan, and purchasing and installing the chargers to implement the plan.