The impact of globalisation, increased population and pollution, impact of climate change, a The US Environmental Protection Agency has been a pandemic and the ageing of the water and wastewater formal partner of the GWRC since 2003. [...] The joint research agenda of the GWRC addresses the The GWRC Research priorities matrix was updated in urban water cycle and covers a number of research areas 2022 with the members and partners and is reviewed and in particular Water Quality and Health, Resource periodically. [...] This joint leadership facilitated interpretation of bioassay data, and the establishment of the pooling of expertise and resources, leading to the WBS decision-making support for the operating practices on the „Cookbook“ – a comprehensive guide filled with the best upgrading/improvement of the supply chain. [...] Because of their widespread on understanding, analysing, capturing nitrous oxide use and persistence in the environment, many PFAS are with presentations by members from the GWRC and the detected in people and animals all over the world and in the University of Queensland in particular. [...] Whitepaper Emily Garner with the support of the Global Water Research Coalition and the Water Research Foundation (WRF) have “Quantifying and addressing the used the existing database (developed in WRF project 4813) to conduct a meta-analysis to develop a white paper contribution of water and wastewater informed by literature review and an internal focus group, to the emerging risk of antimicrobia.