cover image: Literature on the right to housing for disabled people - Annotated bibliography

Literature on the right to housing for disabled people - Annotated bibliography

2 Dec 2024

Rooted in human rights principles, particularly Canada's commitments under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the project amplifies the voices of those navigating the intersecting challenges of poverty and disability in pursuit of dignity and autonomy. [...] The emphasis of the guide is on presenting the range of housing and support options available, while helping the reader to clarify their own needs, values, and preferences. [...] ault/files/uploads/publications/Manito ba_Pubs/2008/SIC_Report_2008.pdf This illustrated document, composed of a series of reports, includes an overview of the housing situation in Winnipeg’s inner city, with an emphasis on the affordability of various housing options and the deteriorating conditions of housing in the core; a study of 18 residents’ perspecti. [...] ments/CityPlanning/Housing/Compre hensiveHousingNeedsAssessmentRe port/Comprehensive-Housing-Needs- Assessment.pdf This 2020 report, published by the Institute of Urban Studies at the University of Winnipeg, aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of housing needs in Winnipeg, both at the time of the study and into the future. [...] The report offers detailed statistics, many quotations from participants, and a variety of recommendations, with the provision of housing identified as the primary means of enhancing the health of unhoused people.



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