Stiglitz, 2023) and point to much larger, The discussion on climate change and potentially devastating, impacts on growth productivity is further complicated as and productivity (Dietz and Stern, 2015; labour and multi-factor productivity – the Howard and Sterner, 2017), including im- standard tools for productivity analysis – pacts linked to the risk of the climate are not the only measures that. [...] Table 1 draws fecting economic performance at the firm, on the OECD’s Productivity Manual in industry and economy-wide level and the showing the measures of labour, capital ability of economies affected by climate and multi-factor productivity that are com- change to generate growth in output and monly distinguished in productivity anal- incomes. [...] consequences for many areas of economic activity, in particular when some of the 3 Tipping points include the disintegration of the Greenland ice sheet, the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet, the saturation of oceans as a carbon sink, the collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and the dieback of the Amazon Forest as a carbon sink, among others (OECD, 2022). [...] Some of the likely impacts of policy Assessing the current and future sources action, such as costs linked to taxation of productivity growth in the context of and regulation, are widely expected to net zero policies can also provide some in- be negative, whereas others, such as im- sights in the links between climate change pacts linked to innovation and technolog- and productivity. [...] of the transition for the United Kingdom On the other hand, materials use in global by the Climate Change Committee have production continues to rise , as do the en- fallen over time, as the result of rapid tech- vironmental impacts associated with that nological progress and economies of scale use, although materials productivity is also in the production and diffusion of low- rising.
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