Although immediate responsibility for the evictions The company should also engage, together with the and the associated abuses lies with the government government, in a constructive dialogue with the people and the Congolese security forces, there is ample from Mege and Bandayi to provide remedy to the victims. [...] The date of completion of Furthermore, these statements appear to indicate that the census and assets inventory represents a cut-off the “exclusion zone” was established with the authority date.” This process is the key to determining who will of either the provincial governor or the territorial be eligible for various types of compensation and administrator. [...] Implemented Resettlements and the resettlements of Mege and Bandayi, in particular,” noting that the The representative from the Bandayi community planned resettlement here was under the auspices of noted that in a meeting he believed to occur in 2019 at Kibali’s Kalinva-Ikanva Project, “an entirely separate Kibali’s community center, representatives of the mine resettlement in an area that is app. [...] Despite contribution to government revenues, the scale of the unregulated and clandestine exploitation the fact that local government of mining sites, and the quasi-insurrectionary never addressed the matter Kibali situation that has arisen, I am instructing you continued to engage with both to organize a mission to restore law and order in Watsa territory, particularly in the Kibali and local and. [...] “After demolishing residents had already vacated the area, following a all the houses, they left us in the rain.” months-long awareness campaign.” However, none of the Bandayi and Mege residents interviewed by PAX According to PAX’s interviews with two witnesses, the spoke of a significant number of people leaving the houses of at least two families in Bandayi were also area prior to the evictions.