The measure of reliability for the natural gas delivery industry is a percentage based on the number of days natural gas distribution customers were without gas service due to unplanned outages (gas service not available to a customer due to LDC issues; unplanned outages including 1st, 2nd & 3rd party damages and all other unplanned distribution system and system component related issues) in a giv. [...] 2022 & 2023 DATA The 2022 edition of the report was not issued; this edition of the report includes new data from both 2022 and 2023. [...] EXPLANATORY NOTES / GENERAL NOTES 4 COMPANY DIMENSIONS COMPANY DIMENSIONS 5 Active Customers Active Customers = number of all active meters as of the end of the most recent calendar year, locked or unlocked, that are subject to meter readings and billing count Active Customers COMPANY DIMENSIONS – ACTIVE CUSTOMERS 6 Active Customers Active Customers = number of all active meters as of the end of t. [...] Net Increase in Active Customers COMPANY DIMENSIONS – NET INCREASE IN ACTIVE CUSTOMERS 8 Net Increase in Active Customers Net Increase in Active Customers (Year to Year) = the gross number of customers added in a given year minus the number of customers that have left the natural gas delivery system during that same year. [...] New Business/Growth Capital (Core Business) (millions) All costs associated with the planning, constructing and energizing of a new distribution or transmission systems or the expansion of existing distribution or transmission systems for the direct purpose of adding new customers/end users.