cover image: Organizational Strategies for Implementing GBA Plus i. INTERNAL GBA PLUS READINESS

Organizational Strategies for Implementing GBA Plus i. INTERNAL GBA PLUS READINESS

13 Dec 2024

Our organization values and encourages the adoption of new and collaborative ways of producing and utilizing knowledge that center the experiences and expertise of racialized and marginalized communities. [...] To best ensure the anonymity of board members, have the person designated to administer the survey print hard copies of the survey and provide them to board members to complete. [...] The person designated in Part I to administer the survey and aggregate the data—ideally not a board member—should begin by indicating in the matrix what items, if any, the board decided to select as “not relevant at this time” and omit the same items in the board diversity matrix. [...] is vital to engage with staff and be transparent Ensure the link to the glossary of terms is at the about who can review the raw data from beginning of the survey. [...] • One week before the survey, send an all-staff This is to discuss the goals and purpose of the communication reiterating the purpose and survey, gather some general feedback on the how the data will be handled and clarifying process, and answer questions from staff.

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