cover image: Confidence in Safety - Revell Site - 2023 Update

Confidence in Safety - Revell Site - 2023 Update

26 Feb 2024

The data acquired at the Revell Site indicate that the orientations of lineaments at the surface on a larger scale are also present in the orientations of fractures in the boreholes at a smaller scale. [...] The land surface within the area varies somewhat from the region in that there is considerable relief between the lakes in most areas and the ground surface elevation ranges from 368 metres above sea level where the Wabigoon River intersects the western boundary of the Ignace area to 554 metres in the southeast. [...] This confidence is built on our understanding of the following aspects: the characteristics of the geology of the Revell Site that provide containment and isolation; the long-term stability of the geosphere; the low risk of future human intrusion into the repository; the site is amenable to characterization; the robustness of the multiple barrier system; the repository can be construct. [...] The mineralogy of the rock, and the geochemical composition of the groundwater and rock porewater at repository depth should not adversely impact the expected performance of the repository multiple-barrier system. [...] 3.1 Geology of the Revell Site The Revell Site is located in the Revell batholith in northwestern Ontario, in the geological Wabigoon Subprovince of the Canadian Shield.



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