For the existing reactor fleet, the total projected number of used fuel bundles produced to the end of life of the reactors is approximately 5.9 million used CANDU fuel bundles (approximately 112,750 t-HM). [...] The impacts of these decisions on projected inventory of nuclear fuel waste are discussed and will be incorporated into future updates of this report when there is reasonable certainty in the amount and timing of the additional nuclear fuel waste. [...] 1.3 CHANGES SINCE THE 2023 REPORT The primary changes to the Canadian nuclear landscape since the 2023 report are: a) An increase in the total amount of used fuel currently in storage, due to another year of reactor operation. [...] The inventory is expressed in terms of number of CANDU used fuel bundles and does not include fuel which is currently in the reactors (which is not considered to be “nuclear fuel waste” until it has been discharged from the reactors). [...] 5) This estimate is the mass-based estimate of the number of bundle equivalents in the AECL inventory and includes the majority of the research reactor and experimental fuel in the AECL fuel inventory.