This despite the fact that the Soviet Union bore the brunt of the losses and damage caused during World War II in Europe, along with the working people of Europe, the Jews, the Roma, those the Hitlerites considered deviants, as well as the communists, anti-fascist resistance fighters and Soviet prisoners 2 of war. [...] Since the collapse of the former Soviet Union in 1989-91 as a result of the restoration of capitalism in that country and imposition of a rule which deprived the people of Soviet power, the consequences of the U. [...] It put the building of a revolutionary party of the working class on the basis of Soviet power at the centre to make sure the workers were educated and trained to decide all matters of concern in a manner which favoured their interests and then they led the masses of the people to do likewise. [...] And more and more people are beginning to ask themselves: What started this war, what is it being waged for? Every day it is becoming clearer to us, the workers and peasants, who bear the brunt of the war, that it was started and is being waged by the capitalists of all countries for the sake of the capitalists' interests, for the sake of world supremacy, for the sake of markets for the manufactur. [...] Not only in Germany, but even in Britain, which before the war had the reputation of being one of the freest countries, hundreds and hundreds of true friends and representatives of the working class are languishing in prison for having spoken the honest truth against the war and against the capitalists.