The goods vehicle movement service (GVMS) – any hauliers crossing into or out of the UK, via any port, will need to register for the service to get their goods through customs. [...] Holders driving the goods in personal or company vehicles can contact LCCI to obtain the GMR reference for their shipment using the following link: declarations/gmr-service-request/ Personal Cars and Vans travelling to UK via Calais Euroshuttle will need to go to the Freight Terminal to get their Carnet stamped as Fre. [...] Anyone entering or departing United Kingdom via Dover, Euroshuttle or Holyhead should be aware of the inland sites that have been introduced to take the pressure away from the ports. [...] These sites can process ATA Carnets, CITES, TIR and CTC documentation: inland-border-facility ata-carnet For traffic over the land boundary between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, the normal hours of op. [...] Special observations Further information on the relevant aspects of the ATA Carnet scheme in the UK can be found here: ata-and-cpd-carnets 2 mailto:
[email protected] .