In assessing proposed student-initiated fellowships, the IHRP considers the following aspects in particular: the host organization, the proposal, the student’s strengths and interests, and the student’s professionalism in all dealings related to the application process. [...] The IHRP supports fellowships that allow students to gain valuable experiences working in the field of international human rights law, and that contribute to the important work of organizations working in this field. [...] (Please note, the application form and requirements at Appendix A to this Guide apply only to the student- initiated fellowship applications and not the in-house fellowship applications.) To learn more about the experience of our 2024 IHRP in-house fellows, check out this submission from the latest fall edition of Rights Review. [...] If it is the case, mention to the organization that you will be accepting any offer obtained through the host organization regardless of the outcome of your application for funding through the IHRP fellowship. [...] I have had the opportunity to study the evolution and effects of the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees, the role of the UNHCR and other elements of the international refugee regime through courses such as Global Governance and Citizenship & Immigration.