Page 3 of 18 POSITIVE INDIGENOUS-IMMIGRANT RELATIONS AND UNDERSTANDING Name of Practice / Name and Type of Program Lead Organization(s) Link(s) Description of Practice Tags Overview and Goals: • Indigenous People of Manitoba: A Guide for Newcomers aims to educate newcomers to Manitoba—and all Manitobans—about the history, culture, and contributions of Indigenous Peoples in the region. [...] Page 6 of 18 POSITIVE INDIGENOUS-IMMIGRANT RELATIONS AND UNDERSTANDING Name of Practice / Name and Type of Program Lead Organization(s) Link(s) Description of Practice Tags Overview and Goals: • The Land of Dreams (LOD) Farm project aims to support the settlement, integration, and well-being of immigrant and refugee families by providing them with plots of land and matching them with local mentor. [...] Overview and Goals: • Healing Hearts Through Discussion and Action aims to promote reconciliation and relationship-building between Indigenous and newcomer communities by sharing the stories and knowledge of respected Knowledge Keepers and providing the foundation for future discussions and positive action. [...] Resources for Individuals and Organizations Working with Immigrants Overview and Goals: • Disrupting Current Colonial Practices and Structures in the Immigration and Non-Profit Sector aims to raise awareness about the impact of colonization and the importance of settler reflexivity among service Affiliation of Multicultural providers and non-profit staff. [...] Page 11 of 18 POSITIVE INDIGENOUS-IMMIGRANT RELATIONS AND UNDERSTANDING Name of Practice / Name and Type of Program Lead Organization(s) Link(s) Description of Practice Tags Overview and Goals: • The Fostering Safe Spaces for Dialogue and Relationship-building Between Newcomers and Indigenous Peoples report aimed to bring together different voices and viewpoints to explore the significance of bui.