cover image: The Role of Urban Agglomeration for Economic and Productivity Growth


The Role of Urban Agglomeration for Economic and Productivity Growth

21 Jun 2017

The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. [...] 21 Interpreting the elasticity multiplied by 100 as the per cent increase in productivity associated with a "doubling in city size" is commonly used in the literature to give an idea of the size of the impact. [...] The base tivity, as suggested by the difference of the two category in the regressions is the share of coefficients that comes to zero. [...] The num- increase in the share of high-tech manufacturing ber of municipalities within a city, a measure of workers (and a concomitant 1 per centage point administrative fragmentation, is negatively cor- decrease in the share of construction workers) is, 22 Pooling estimates has the advantage of creating a sizeable sample that allows the introduction of additional controls, the price for this adva. [...] fer by 10 per cent in terms of population size, The final variable considered to determine productivity is, on average, between 0.2 per cent productivity is the proximity of a Functional and 0.5 per cent higher for the worker living in Urban Area to other cities (population in the the larger city.
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