the world of work to On the Move research findings, highlighting these challenges and We have argued since the beginning of On arguing for the importance of attending to the Move in 2012, that greater understanding E-RGM and particularly to this diverse and of how extended/complex mobility for substantial segment of the labour force, in work affects workers and their families, COVID-19 planning, m. [...] With the onset of COVID-19-related measures Based on our review of media coverage some international labour migrants, who and key reports to date, we conclude that, happened to be in host countries in the run- too often, attention to the necessity and up to the declaration of the pandemic, found dynamics of E-RGM has not been part themselves at risk of deportation. [...] risk of infection spread is the practice of relying on recruiters to provide a segment of Concerns about outbreaks and deaths among the labour force and the related practice of these workers prompted the establishment moving workers from farm to farm (Ferguson, of The Migrant Worker Health Expert 2020). [...] On March 19th, The Star reported the workers, their roots in well-documented but case of a Filipina nanny, who had travelled neglected sources of vulnerability for EU and with her employer to Mexico on vacation international migrant workers, the essential and was prevented from returning to Canada contributions of these workers to food with them when the federal government security in the EU and t. [...] The steelworker grieved the company’s In addition to the risk of infection, these policy on the basis that at the same time, workers are socially and economically the company was allowing thousands of vulnerable to state interventions that use American truckers and contractors to cross mobility management as a core aspect of the board without quarantine and visit the infection control.
- Pages
- 69
- Published in
- Canada