cover image: Work and Lifelong Learning Resource Base (WALLRB) - Principal Investigator: D. W. Livingstone


Work and Lifelong Learning Resource Base (WALLRB) - Principal Investigator: D. W. Livingstone

16 Jul 2008

Index of Keywords 748 Work and Lifelong Learning Resource Base (WALLRB) 3 Introduction The purpose of the Work and Lifelong Learning Resource Base (WALLRB) is to provide a wide range of bibliographic references and links to full-text sources of research on diverse forms of lifelong learning and diverse forms of work, with a primary focus on the relations between learning and work. [...] The WALLRB is coordinated by the Centre for the Study of Education and Work (CSEW), located at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). [...] What are the most effective methods for doing life course research? The field’s founders and leaders attempt to answer this question, giving readers tips on: the art and method of the appropriate research design; the collection of life-history data; and the search for meaningful patterns to be found in the results. [...] Ethnographic writing has to solve the problems of the voiceless, the mute, the unspeakable, the prelinguistic, and the indescribable. [...] In the work of these thinkers, Kurasawa finds little justification for two of the most prevalent claims about social theory: the wholesale "postmodern" dismissal of the social-theoretical enterprise because of its supposedly intractable ethnocentrism and imperialism, or, on the other hand, the traditionalist and historicist revival of a canon stripped of its intercultural foundations.



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