cover image: March 2021     - Implementation Blueprint for Community-


March 2021 - Implementation Blueprint for Community-

3 Sep 2021

There are specific types of indicators that can be used to understand the process of the WHAT and the HOW – these are dose (how much of something was delivered), reach (to whom was it delivered), participant satisfaction (were the people who participated engaged in the process), and quality of delivery (did the person delivering the WHAT or the HOW do a good job). [...] While the intention of the SDM pilots is to evaluate supporting decision making in the community and that evaluation plan will be created by researchers, it might be helpful for those who are the implementer to know how to evaluate implementation efforts and how to set up the resources, processes, and data collection methods you will need for evaluation from the beginning. [...] 2.3 An in-depth look at the theory of change (KTA step 6) What is the purpose of this section? The purpose of this section is to outline the steps involved in identifying and categorizing barriers and facilitators to behaviour change (the WHAT) for each of the stakeholder groups that needs to change (the WHO). [...] Are you adapting the WHAT or the HOW? The two main components of any intervention are the behaviour change you want to target (the WHAT) and the change strategies you will use to get people to change their behaviour (the HOW). [...] 3.4 Roles in the system (GTO step 5) What is the purpose of this section? The purpose of this section is to highlight the importance of establishing role clarity at the beginning of implementation and to provide guidance on how to delineate your implementation system.


Sobia Khan

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