cover image: kiskinohamâtôtâpânâsk: Inter-generational Effects on Professional First Nations Women Whose Mothers are Residential


kiskinohamâtôtâpânâsk: Inter-generational Effects on Professional First Nations Women Whose Mothers are Residential

14 Sep 2011

One of the recommendations of the study included recognizionwg shocial and inter-generational effects of residential schools transmit through ilfiaems and communities to contribute to a cluster of health issues. [...] Over the course of one full morning, the six women exrepdlo, explained and expressed their understanding of their mothers’ experiences adt erenstial school; the effects of the schools on their mothers’ and their own behaviours; and hreoswiliency and healing form a part of their current journeys. [...] One of the objectives of the sharing circle was for the women to begin to de tfhinee story that they wanted to share in the next phase of the project, which involved the ciorena ot f a short video, called a ‘digital story’. [...] The Mohawk Institute Residential School was the first school to ope1n8 i3n1 and the last school closed in 1290.9 6 Duncan Campbell Scott served as the Deputy Supeenrdinatnt General of the Department of Indian Affairs from 1913 to 1932. [...] Milloy states, “These reports, some gathered on Scott’s initiative, not only chart ptheer sistence of all the conditions that were known to undermine the health of the children beuvte ral, in some cases, the neglect, the lack of love, for those suffering and dying in tchaer eless arms of school authoriti2e6s.



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