The blue shaded area at the bottom of the chart shows that the growth in the number of male employees under the age of 55 has been grown only slightly. [...] Starting in the 1960s, the baby boom generation boosted the aggregate growth potential of the Canadian economy, as the first wave of that generation began to enter the labour market. [...] The widening of the tops 8 Note, of course, that we are using the word ‘favourable’ in the context of Canada’s ability to produce goods and services in the market. [...] Views on raising the age of entitlement to pension benefits The Experts Panel recommends that the needed data collection and the development of analytic tools take place now in anticipation of a variety of upcoming policy challenges, such as the issue of raising the normal age at which people receive pension benefits. [...] The key message of the Panel, however, is the importance of acting now to put in place the data and analytic tools that will be needed for proper analysis of options once the issue of retirement ages is back on the policy agenda, as it inevitably will be.
- Pages
- 22
- Published in
- Canada