cover image: S cience P olicy - : c onSiderationS  for S


S cience P olicy - : c onSiderationS for S

18 Apr 2017

to these core activities, subnational governments can also convene and lead, building capacity and connections The lack of a clear division of responsibilities in relation across the science system, and work to understand and to science is both a risk and an opportunity for provincial manage the social implications of scientific progress. [...] attain the social license often necessary to de-risk the This chapter synthesizes evidence from the literature and implementation of new technologies; to maintain an science-relevant policies and insights from the workshop environment that fosters interactions between researchers on the elements relevant to subnational science policy and research users; and to access and integrate science developm. [...] Authority is also related to questions of chief scientists, science and technology offices (such as legitimacy, and the extent to which stakeholders in the the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the United science system have meaningful opportunities to express States), national academies and research councils, and other preferences and concerns. [...] Effective organizational and decision-making models vary and are context specific, The five areas of focus discussed in this chapter attest to the taking into account the configuration of government and diversity and complexity of the science policy landscape. [...] Sarewitz (2011) underscores the importance of the ecology of science institutions and the institutions that put science Evaluation of the effectiveness of and returns on public to use to influence social outcomes.
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