cover image: VIMY PAPER - Jordan Miller - NOVEMBER 2021 — VOLUME 49


VIMY PAPER - Jordan Miller - NOVEMBER 2021 — VOLUME 49

25 Nov 2021

When Marshall McLuhan wrote about the medium being the message this was a metaphor for the constant access to information through the proliferation of communications technology in the 1960s changing society profoundly from the behaviour of the family unit, how children are educated, the potential for mass surveillance, and the promotion of previously disenfranchised voices.21 This was a clear refe. [...] The message the sender wants the audience to understand is not necessarily the same as the text of the message that is sent. [...] The former head of the Voice of America emphasized the importance of connecting the specific audience to the message using the right vector. [...] The brackets above and below the narrative in the diagram show how the narrative must fit into the context of the world in which the audience exists and shows the need to link the narrative to a sense of group identity for the specific audiences. [...] The purpose of a narrative is emotional meaning, and even if some facts as part of the narrative are proven false the emotional satisfaction of the original narrative may not be undermined.70 This is especially true if the message has already evoked an emotional response in the audience, regardless of whether or not the message is fully true.71 The more committed a person is to their membership in.
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