Within PICES, Science Board takes the responsibility for reporting to Governing Council on the progress and achievements of the project, and the Finance and Administration Committee takes the responsibility for reporting to Governing Council on the financial and management aspects of the project. [...] On selecting the image, the screen changes to display the inclinometer and compass to guide the user to the correct smartphone angle to capture the image (right). [...] The participants expressed deep interest in the topics and tools, understood what the project was trying to accomplish and demonstrated their enthusiasm and willingness to learn from training and to contribute to the project in the hope of improving their environment. [...] The importance of environmental and fisheries monitoring and the value of the data to be collected in the daily lives of the local people was emphasized at the meetings held in Karangantu Port of Banten (February 4) and Sukabumi of Pelabuhan Ratu (February 6). [...] The aim of this set of exercises is to assess the “wellness” of the human–fisheries connection and the first indication of the use of technology to improve community understanding of the present and future fisheries.