cover image: Ilana Lemay - Discovery Snapshot


Ilana Lemay - Discovery Snapshot

21 Apr 2021

In order to map and understand the intertwined have the funding to provide a laptop for their children’s online systems of racism and digital inequity I: school; there were Indigenous Peoples living in remote areas outside of the City limits who could not afford the • Conducted a literature review on digital inequity in Canada, exorbitant price of wi-fi in those areas. [...] Mapping the Digital Divide in Calgary 3 MOVING OUR LIVES ONLINE DIGITAL ACCESS AS A SOCIAL The entirety of this fellowship was carried out during DETERMINANT OF HEALTH the Covid19 pandemic, and all aspects of it were completed virtually. [...] In March The World Health Organization [WHO] (2020) defines digital 2020 much of our daily activities in Canada, and around the health as “the field of knowledge and practice associated with world moved online, and many activities are still being done the development and use of digital technologies to improve online. [...] reducing the competitive Mapping the Digital Divide in Calgary 5 Establishing sustainable solutions to the digital divide CONCLUSION in Indigenous communities means that self-determination must be at the forefront of digital problem solving, but the Access to technology constitutes access to information current digital landscape in Canada has too many barriers that is essentia. [...] (2014) Revisiting the digital divide in Canada: the impact of demographic factors on access to the internet, level of online activity, and social networking site usage.



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