cover image: No. 76 December 10, 2021 - IN THIS ISSUE - International Human Rights Day


No. 76 December 10, 2021 - IN THIS ISSUE - International Human Rights Day

17 Dec 2021

This is the cornerstone around which the entire base and the superstructure of the society have to be built. [...] Renewal Update calls on its readers to review the history of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by paying utmost attention to the striving of the people to establish a new coherence in order to renew society so that the human rights of all are provided with a guarantee. [...] It is a pathetic attempt to disinform the striving of the peoples within the U. [...] attempt to reposition itself internationally as the “indispensable” nation which aims to impose on the peoples of the world the rules, norms and values it, along with its G7 and NATO allies, decide are the criteria to declare which countries are democratic and which are not is doomed to failure. [...] It is a struggle crucial to stemming the tide of imperialist war for the redivision of the world’s resources, zones of cheap labour, areas for the export of capital and zones of influence.



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