cover image: EAC Response to Proposed Old Growth Forest Policy 2021


EAC Response to Proposed Old Growth Forest Policy 2021

7 Dec 2021

For example, how much of the 8% is true old growth forest, and how much are each of the other classifications of forest that counted towards 8% (Steps 3 – 5 in the 2012 policy)? The 2008 policy analysis (done by the Department) indicates that the 8% target was reached in some ecodistricts by primarily selecting stands that are not old growth forest. [...] Why the difference? “4.0 Old-Growth Forest Definition “Old-growth forest areas are herein defined according to the vegetation types, and the old-growth ages in the table below, as well as the history of past human interventions that have affected ecological continuity.” o We do not support the move in this policy to do away with the 125-year “cut- off” for the early old growth stage across all spe. [...] “5.3 Removals from the Old Forest Policy Layer 5.3.1 Old-Growth Forest Areas Old-growth forest area that is protected under this Policy may be removed from such protection only if: a) The Minister has declared the removal to be in the public interest, such as on account of a development project, or a large natural disturbance has killed most or all of the trees; b) The proponent of the development. [...] undertakes a detailed old-forest scoring assessment of the old-growth forest area and a description of the representation and ecological integrity of the old-growth forest in the ecodistrict; privately acquires, at their own expense, old-growth forest area elsewhere in the province and offers it to the Crown at an area rate of at least five times the removed old-growth forest area if the acquired. [...] If retained, clause (b) should state that the land to be acquired by the proponent be: • Offered to the Crown for free • Be from an ecodistrict that is under-represent in this policy, as determined by the Old-Growth Forest Coordinator “In the event the Minister deems that salvage logging is in the public interest following a large natural disturbance, the Regional Resource Manager, in consultation.



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