cover image: Child Welfare


Child Welfare

3 Mar 2020

al governments, and the federal government, an No Quiet Place was the first government increasing number of First Nations are deliver- commissioned investigation into child welfare ing child and family services in accordance with and the treatment of Indigenous children and provincial and territorial child welfare laws. [...] ily services throughout the province in accord- In January 2007, the AMC voted to dissolve the ance with The Child and Family Services Act, agreement, citing concerns about negotiations The Adoption Act, and The Child and Family with the newly elected federal Conservative gov- Services Authorities Act. [...] Two agencies — Animikii Manitoba Ozoson Child and Family Services and the Child • Child and Family Services of Western and Family All Nations Coordinated Response Manitoba Network (ANCR) — are funded 100 per cent by • Jewish Child and Family Service the province, as are the Metis and the General 12 • Rural and Northern Services – Eastman CFS Authorities. [...] Bill C-92, An The APB agrees with the recommendations Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis of the long list of commissions and inquiries re- children, youth and families, “affirms the rights ferred to in this chapter, that there needs to be and jurisdiction of Indigenous peoples in relation greater emphasis placed on prevention and more to child and family services and sets out princi- re. [...] In the case sion of child and family services in relation to of services to support Indigenous children and Indigenous children, such as the best interests families, the APB would continue the process of the child, cultural continuity and substantive of devolution — transferring resources and re- equality”.14 The new legislation came into effect sponsibility to the Authorities and their mem- Janua.
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