cover image: Primary Health Care with Immigrant and Refugee Populations


Primary Health Care with Immigrant and Refugee Populations

18 Jan 2022

Funded by the provincial Ministry of Health and Long Tenn Care, Access Alliat/ce Multicultural Community Health Centre is located in downtown Toronto, and is mandated to work specifically with immigrants and refugees to promote health and better access to health care. [...] This paper describes the complexity of isslles facing tlewcomers, the Celltre's programs and services, as well as the organisation's struggle to define its role and value within the health and social service sector and to newcomer communities. [...] Although Canada's policy of Access to ;,,{o,nlation multiculturalism a nd the Canadian Charter Access to information that is easily of Rights and Freedoms should create available a nd understandable is a vital and optimal conditions for integration, the reality basic component of settlement and is very different. [...] Primary care providers struggle with the implementation of clinical guidelines for a Strategic partnerships population that has limited access to While the well being of immigrants and resources, a limited understanding of the refugees is the business of both the health health care system in Canada and of personal and social service sectors in Ontario; the health care issues. [...] Where Whdt is the foclIs of this organisation and newcomers' lives are often in crisis and what should it bc? Should the Centre be chaos; chaos sometimes feels inhercnt in the striving to divc:rsify services and its' funding work of the Centre.
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