cover image: JRC engagement with the Arctic Council: Science diplomacy in action


JRC engagement with the Arctic Council: Science diplomacy in action


The new EU Arctic policy ((JOIN) 2021 27 final) puts a strengthened EU engagement in the Arctic at the forefront. It also commits to “enhance the EU’s involvement in all relevant Arctic Council working groups”. JRC scientists are leading involvement with Arctic Council working groups and other subsidiary bodies on behalf of the EU, including representing the EU in working groups. To date JRC acts as EU observer and/or participates in the projects of five of the six working groups as well as in other projects and expert groups of the Arctic Council.JRC scientists provide tangible and valuable expertise and contributions to the working groups and projects in which they are involved.
environment and climate change science for policy 2022


CARDOSO Ana-Cristina, DIEHL Thomas, DOBRICIC Srdan, HANKE Georg, KEMPER Thomas, MUNTEAN Marilena, SAN-MIGUEL-AYANZ Jesus, VIGNATI Elisabetta, WILSON Julian

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Cardoso, A., Diehl, T., Dobricic, S., Hanke, G., Kemper, T., Muntean, M., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., Vignati, E. and Wilson, J., JRC engagement with the Arctic Council: Science diplomacy in action, European Commission, 2022, JRC128008.