cover image: Publication Date: January 18, 2022


Publication Date: January 18, 2022

18 Jan 2022

One writer points to the implications of Afghanistan’s fall on violent extremism in Africa while another urges the United States to sustain the necessary momentum to stabilize the security situation in Northern Mozambique, and a third focuses on the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia. [...] One contributor outlines the benefits of investing in solar energy in the Sahel, while another focuses on how the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s rich natural resources could position the country in the global fight against climate change. [...] 13 The statements made and views expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views or official positions of the Wilson Center. [...] 21 The statements made and views expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views or official positions of the Wilson Center. [...] Conflict has increased in African countries despite the interventions of the United States and other Western nations, with the Global Peace Index 2021 reporting an overall decrease in peacefulness in the region.36 Violent extremist groups in Africa are using the “defeat” of Western interventions in Afghanistan to motivate and mobilize new recruits, feeding extremist rhetoric and narratives.
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