cover image: KENNAN CABLE - A Rising Global Player: Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy in the 2020s


KENNAN CABLE - A Rising Global Player: Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy in the 2020s

22 May 2020

cross-border cargo and roll back other protectionist policies so once the health crisis is under control, In pre-COVID-19 times, there were also plans to trade can flow with greater ease.18 increase the number of commercial flights between Kazakhstan and Tajikistan in order to ease travel between the two nations.16 Trade between the Kazakhstan and the rest of the world states reached $900 million. [...] As of January, Kazakhstan also chairs Kazakhstan’s relations with Turkmenistan may the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries, improve as well, as the two countries signed an a 32-member state initiative under the umbrella agreement in 2018 that may signal the beginning of the United Nations Conference on Trade and of a permanent resolution of the Caspian Sea Development.19 dispute.17 Bilateral. [...] However, the new president in Uzbekistan to stop the spread of the virus, and offered welfare seems more interested than his predecessor, the payments to compensate for the loss of earnings. [...] In August 2018, the countries Kazakhstan, a rising global player that border this body of water (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan) signed an Analyses about the developing world and global agreement in the Kazakh port city of Aktau pledging geopolitics typically focus on the interests and to end their border differences over the Caspian objectives of great powers and major blo. [...] nuclear program back in 2013, and has hosted over a dozen rounds of talks intended to find a solution for The Kazakh government has worked for decades to the conflict in Syria (the “Astana Peace Process”).30 build a reputation as a stable and reliable partner— While it is unlikely that the Syrian peace talks will not only in the region but also at the global level.
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